Thursday, April 25, 2013


3D Final

Finally done with this! We needed to create a character and then build an environment for that character based on a certain story.  I had this whole idea with mystical creatures turning to stone and rebirth that was supposed to be bitter sweet but according to my class just ended up sad.  Either way I'm glad how it came out.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Caesar Bust

An assignment where we had to draw a bust of Caesar, with a focus on values and detail, I actually really like how this came out

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Landscape Paintings

So in Drawing II we've started doing landscape paintings! These are a few of them, with a random still life I forgot to post earlier
2 hr homework piece, my first time using a pallete knife to paint!

~5 hr piece of our local Bayou

~1.5 hr in class piece

another quick in class piece

and the 1h still life of a lamp

Monday, April 1, 2013


As you can tell, this is some of my stuff for the animal drawing unit in figure drawing