Friday, December 27, 2013

The Ancient Smith

The Ancient Smith champion concept, basically think of the ObiWan Kenobi to Lucian from League of Legends

Top Lane/Support Bruiser
Q- empowered auto attack, healing nearby champions
W- put down aoe slow field
E- line skillshot dash with knockup at the end 
R- aoe burst of light from champion, dealing dmg and disorienting nearby enemies
Disorient causes enemy champions to move in a random direction when told to move

Man I wish the Riot internship due date was a bit later, but oh well, gotta keep pumpin out pieces, lezgo!

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Piltover Thief Redo

After doing I wasn't really satisfied about the result, so I decided to redo it, especially after I knew that I had improved.  Same champion concept and abilities.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Frost Berserker

So after finishing for my first homework assignment, I wasn't really satisfied about how I used the giant character, so I decided to do a bit of a rehash!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Oil Figure

We did oil painting for the last day of painting! First time I've ever done figure painting from life.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Friday, November 29, 2013

Painting 1, Oils

Here's a few of the oil paintings I did during my first semester as a sophomore!  This is really the first time I've done oils, but all things considered it turned out well I think!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Scarab Guard Leona

Here's Scarab Guard Leona, a skin idea for my school League club's Skin Art Contest
Leona belongs to Riot Games

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Tell Tale Heart

Here's an illustration I did for class for Edgar Allen Poe's Tell Tale Heart, done with black and white pencil on a piece of 30% gray paper, below is some of the process work I did, including thumbnails and value studies.  I like the texturing I managed to get with the wood, it's definitely my normal type of illustration I do but it was definitely an interesting project.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ouroborous, The Door to Eternal Life


Hey remember this guy? I've basically been sitting on this idea for a while and I'm glad to have finally been able to do a piece with it, hope you enjoy!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


So we started using oils this year!  We had two much smaller oils to do just to try out the medium before this painting, so in many respects this is my first oil overall i do like the medium, even though everything i hear about stuff from our teacher has come with the tag "this is probably toxic" This was a limited color palette still life with just black, white, and yellow ochre.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"Masquerade Project" Frost Giant

My first Illustration I project.  The project was called "masquerade" but he basically let us do anything with 2 or more characters since he wanted to just get to know our art style and what we like to do.  Below are the thumbnails/sketches that I did.  Who knows I might go into this again in photoshop and do a color piece.

Fish Ink Piece

Well, it's good to back at Ringling!  This was my first project for Illustration media, a class where we experiment with different kinds of media.  This project our assignment was to make a drawing of any kind of fish with pen and ink.

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Eternal Prisoner

Funny thing about this character is that I had actually come up with this idea for a prisoner chain oriented champ before Thresh came out, probably back when I was in high school, but since I did this piece after Thresh came out, I thought it would be cool to mix lore a bit.  He's basically an ancient mage that was imprisoned by thresh,  and his soul is trapped in the lantern, so while Thresh is fighting in the League he breaks out of his prison to free not only his body, but his soul.

The Eternal Prisoner (AP Mage)
Thresh interactions
Skin: Undying Warrior - Hecarim Interacions?
Passive: every time champion hits an ability 1/x shackles is removed, giving champion ms/defensive stats, shackles will start to chain champion again after x seconds
q - parallel (or triangle?) line skill shot
w - automatically release x shackles
e - after brief delay chains rise from the ground in a circle, snaring enemies inside
r - chains erupt from champion, dealing damage and shackling all enemies in a certain range.  enemies caught in the shackle cannot move away from champion past the distance of the original shackle length, during this time champ has reduced move speed

Friday, July 26, 2013

Character Concept (edit: now redesigned)

So here's another LoL concept, here one of my own.  I've been having a lot of trouble with my completely original ideas, so I've been looking a lot at different techniques.  First thing I did was watch a lot of the art spotlights from Riot (so sad they stopped doing those T.T ) since I figured it would be my ideal place to get a job.  From there I came up with a champ concept both for art and actually gameplay!  For those LoL players that wanna check it out, just look below. 

The Piltover Thief (AD Assassin)
if caitlyn and vi are on the enemy team, champion loses 1 health
katarina interactions (sister)
skin - noxian thief
passive: when having a gun champion does more dmg the higher health the enemey is, dagger does more dmg the lower the enemy is
q - empowered next auto attack (both forms)
w - switch offhand weapon (can be cast while disabled)
passive: grapling gun - ranged auto attacks (defensive stats? lower ad?)
passive: second dagger - gains bonus ad/armor pen
e - gun: fires grapling gun pulling towards enemy minion or champion
  - dagger: does aoe damage around champion, does more damage the less targets it hits
r - throws a smoke bomb in an area, briefly blinding and silencing targets inside while increasing movement speed dramatically

League of Legends, Piltover, Caitlyn, Vi, Katarina all belong to Riot Games, this piece and this character belongs to me

Monday, July 22, 2013

Just some sketch

An idea I had, really this is just a idea sketch, I probably won't end up really going anywhere with it, just thought I might as well post it.

Some Figure

Some really quick figure stuff that I did on Photoshop.  pretty great if you don't mind working from photos and dont wanna pay/go to figure sessions

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Undead Champion

This time's champion is Sion!  I remember I used to love playing AP sion back at the beginning of season 2.  Too bad he's just kinda bad now T.T

Sion, League of Legends belong to Riot Games
Art belongs to me

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Demacia's Flame

Number 2 of my League Art, featuring shyvana.  (Cuz who gives a badass like shyvana a title like "the half dragon")  Edit: I actually went back into this piece to do a new dragon and just do some small adjustments, which is why the final piece is not in the gif
shyvana league of legends and demacia belong to riot games
art belongs to me 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Cave of the Exiled

Time for some LoL Art! Figured might as well do some form of fanart since I play this game so much and I basically have never done fanart before.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Jungle Cat

Another digital painting done!  I had actually started this halfway through the school year, but i just did not like how it was coming out and got super frustrated with it, but i knew it still had potential so i kept it in my folder waiting for it to blossom into a finished piece.  To think that before the best i could get out of this was this little stinker below.