Friday, August 30, 2013

The Eternal Prisoner

Funny thing about this character is that I had actually come up with this idea for a prisoner chain oriented champ before Thresh came out, probably back when I was in high school, but since I did this piece after Thresh came out, I thought it would be cool to mix lore a bit.  He's basically an ancient mage that was imprisoned by thresh,  and his soul is trapped in the lantern, so while Thresh is fighting in the League he breaks out of his prison to free not only his body, but his soul.

The Eternal Prisoner (AP Mage)
Thresh interactions
Skin: Undying Warrior - Hecarim Interacions?
Passive: every time champion hits an ability 1/x shackles is removed, giving champion ms/defensive stats, shackles will start to chain champion again after x seconds
q - parallel (or triangle?) line skill shot
w - automatically release x shackles
e - after brief delay chains rise from the ground in a circle, snaring enemies inside
r - chains erupt from champion, dealing damage and shackling all enemies in a certain range.  enemies caught in the shackle cannot move away from champion past the distance of the original shackle length, during this time champ has reduced move speed

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